Biden Takes Lead in New Hampshire

With less than a month to go before the first in the nation presidential primary, former Vice President Joe Biden has taken the lead in a recent poll of New Hampshire voters. The Democrat contest has been very fluid of late as the relative political momentum of the various candidates ebbs and flows. While the current state of the race has Biden on top (if polls are to be believed), the results of the Iowa caucuses could potentially shake up the race in New Hampshire yet again. From The Hill: Former Vice President Joe Biden leads in New Hampshire ahead Continue reading Biden Takes Lead in New Hampshire

New Hampshire’s Quadrennial Political Circus

It happens every four years. Politicians desperate to become President of the United States set up camp in the Granite State and bombard us with their political messages for months. Welcome to the “First in the Nation Primay!” Some New Hampshire residents love it. They are political junkies and just can’t get enough. They love that our state is the center of the political world, if only for a moment. Other people hate it. They are sick of seeing political signs everywhere and hearing political ads every time they turn on the TV or radio. So saturated with political ads Continue reading New Hampshire’s Quadrennial Political Circus