New Hampshire’s Quadrennial Political Circus

It happens every four years. Politicians desperate to become President of the United States set up camp in the Granite State and bombard us with their political messages for months. Welcome to the “First in the Nation Primay!”

Some New Hampshire residents love it. They are political junkies and just can’t get enough. They love that our state is the center of the political world, if only for a moment. Other people hate it. They are sick of seeing political signs everywhere and hearing political ads every time they turn on the TV or radio. So saturated with political ads are we that even many people who follow politics closely are put off by the whole thing.

Whether you love it or hate it, keep in mind that the whirlwind of Presidential politicking is fleeting. While the buildup seemingly takes forever, now lasting more than a year for some candidates, it will be over in an instant. Once all the votes are counted and the results announced, the political focus of the country will quickly shift elsewhere. The New Hampshire Primary will soon be a distant memory. Life will return to normal around here. But, one way or another, our state will have once again played an important role in the political life of our country. From that, we should all take some measure of pride.